I love ancient languages like Greek and Latin, but modern ones are pretty interesting, too! So working with the written word every day and helping Verblio customers get the content they need is really enjoyable. If I’m not reading Homer or Horace, I’m usually figuring out how everything at Verblio can be even more awesome.
Contrary to the nursery rhyme, it looks like the three little kittens losing their mittens was a good thing!
Read MoreThis is your weekly WOOF Compendium, wherein we compile all of the words of the day from the dictionaries of the day, and cull from the wisdom of Socrates, and…
Read MoreWoof woof! Here are all of the words of the day from the dictionaries of the day, in one convenient location. Have a barbarific weekend!
Read MoreHere is your weekly WOOF round-up for the weekend! Get out there, and enjoy the ráfagas, like Ms. Marilyn Monroe did in the Seven Year Itch.
Read MoreIn case you missed any words this week, here is your weekly WOOF round-up. Have a groovy weekend!
Read MoreThis is your weekly WOOF compendium. It’s the convenient place to get all of the words of the day we illustrated this week, in case you missed any, or you…
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