Let’s be realistic here. Most people consider “insurance” to be a nasty word. Think about it for a minute. Currently, the Obamacare brouhaha has many people feeling tense. Some people are confused, many afraid and more are not sure where to turn next. The health care industry right now is THE hot topic, and things sure are getting stirred up. With all that going on, the question remains: why would anyone consider blogging for insurance? First, let’s look at an example of an effective blog post you might consider using to give your readers a crash course on Insurance 101:
“Many people are confused by all the convoluted ins and outs of personal insurance policies, and often end up having too little or too much because of that. First, let’s look at the basics. There are several types of insurance coverage that you should have. At the basic level, there is Health Care Insurance, Life Insurance, and Disability Insurance, which will help provide you with an income should you become disabled and incapable of working to earn a living. Those are what some insurance professionals (this writer included) refer to as the basic “people” protection policies. Then there are a few more, like Accidental Death, or Dismemberment policies, or Long Term Care Coverage Insurance policies.
Next, you have the “Property” type of coverage, which protects your home or your possessions in case of some type of disaster. There is also liability coverage, which basically means, “you broke it you bought it.” A good example of this is automobile coverage, which is designed to pay for any damage that YOU cause, or which you are liable for. There are a lot of little extra “riders” that can serve as add-ons to these types of policies, like, comprehensive and collision automobile insurance, which covers damage sustained to your vehicle.”
Here’s why an informative post like this one is effective, and why you should consider blogging for insurance with ones like it:
- Health Care Insurance is the thing that people need to understand the most right now. With all the changes that are taking place, along with revisions (and retractions) people are confused and looking for information to help them understand things. When people need to know about insurance, information insurance blogs are the first place they’ll go. Health Insurance and Life Insurance are major concerns for most people. They are concerned about their health and their family’s health, and they want to know as much about it as they can.
- The average individual needs to better comprehend what type of coverage is in place, the difference between actual cash value and replacement cost, and the different types of “riders” that are necessary to cover all of their possessions, including jewelry, collectables, etc.
- Your insurance blog can help educate people about the options open to them. For instance, few people think about Flood Insurance, though everyone should be more aware of it, considering the disasters that have been occurring lately. You
- Last but not least, people need to understand how the right amount of liability insurance will protect them. Let’s say an individual is responsible for causing damage in the amount of $100,000 and the limits on their policy top off at $50,000. They need to understand that the claimant will make up the difference by going after your house or your vehicles, or anything else that you own!
So now do you get the picture? Think about blogging for insurance as a way of getting people’s attention, and taking advantage of the opportunity to help educate your current and potential customers. Our experienced writers can help you accomplish that when you contact us.