Blogging for Cloud Services Is the Beacon to Beckon Buyers

Table of Contents

By Curt Smothers

The title to this piece employs both alliteration–all those Bs — and a metaphor within the alliteration — the beacon. Then, of course, there’s the nebulous use of the term cloud services that encompasses a growing array of business models in cyber space that are — simile alert! — like ships looking for passengers.

blogging for cloud servicesLet’s continue with the ships simile here. Cloud services come in different sizes, depending on the niche they attempt to occupy. They can be lifeboat-sized e-mail service providers, or somewhere in the Queen Mary realm of complete enterprise software subscription packages.

No matter what your size and scope, your cloud service relies on a universe of clients who have a plethora of choices. You may have done all the marketing to launch and keep your cyber enterprise afloat, but what else can you do?

You can close your eyes and recite our alliterative mantra three times: “blogging is the beacon to beckon buyers!” But before you do that, try to imprint the following underpinning philosophy of that mantra:

  • Blogging is a sleek, quick and a great way to actually converse with your sea of potential customers looking for your goods.
  • Blogging can be the timely and informative quality content that will bring you to the web crawler’s home port — i.e., top of the search results page.
  • Blogging is the world’s cheapest marketing tool. You can link a good blog to your home page, your social media platforms — Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. — and it will do double duty as your beacon in the white fog of…well, you get it, right?

Blogs, of course, must be artfully written and get past the web crawlers’ tendencies to make bottom feeders out of keyword stuffers who employ a host of other lubberly practices. (There actually is a word lubberly. It means unskilled and clumsy. In nautical parlance it means inexperienced in seamanship.)

The art of taking blogging from lubberly to lovely involves good, relevant, and timely writing. That doesn’t mean dumbing down; rather, a nicely written blog is more like the tender loving care the United States Coast Guard gives when it looks after lighthouse and channel beacons.

So if you’re busy with the main engine of your cloud service, you might not have the time nor the inclination to write. Ahoy there! Contact us and we’ll be your crowdsourced blogging crew, who will step lively and keep your beacon shining brightly.

Editor’s note: This blog is an example of the kind of writing you can get for your blog. The only thing that’s different is that it has the name of the writer. For your blog, you can say you wrote it. That’s fine with us. We’re happy mutts. Click here for more explanation of this series of posts. — Scott


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