So you think your business is too technical for a blog, and that no one would be interested in reading a blog about the topics connected to your business. Perhaps you are a manufacturer, a chemical engineering firm, or even a data scientist. You may wonder how much people will really want to read about the newest Linux releases. Why would you want a blog for your business? The truth is, any business can benefit from a blog. And just because your business is technical doesn’t mean your blogs all have to be technical, too. Blogging for technical topics can be fun and interesting, giving your business all the benefits of having a blog.
Why have a blog?
The reasons for having a blog are many. Through a blog, you have the opportunity to build your brand, increase site traffic, position your business as as experts in your field, and improve customer relations. But add one more to that list: blogging helps people, especially in complex fields. There are probably more people out there looking for information, no matter what your field, than you ever thought. Technical blogger, Major Hayden points out that some of his blog posts with the most hits are posts he thought were too simple for experts or too complex for most people. Yet they are consistently in his top ten posts. You never know what people are going to like.
What should I blog about?
The most common answer would be: blog about your field. While that is very true and would make sense, don’t feel confined to only writing on your field. There are plenty of topics related to your field, which will allow you to stretch out and make the connection. Look at your customers and think about what would be interesting to them. What topics would they want to read about? What information would help them in their lives? Try reading other blogs in your field and see what they are blogging about. Or highlight other parts of your business, such as employee accomplishments or events your company took part in. Having a company picnic? Blog about it. Win an area softball tournament? Share it. People like to get to know the businesses they deal with. Not every post has to be brilliant.
Humor is often appealing in a blog. Most viral content on the web contains humor. People love to laugh. One of the biggest hits on television is The Big Bang Theory, which proves that geeky is the new cool. Don’t be afraid to let your personality show through in your blog posts.
What if I make a mistake?
One of the biggest fears about blogging is the same as with public speaking: looking stupid or making mistakes. Many people fear blogging on technical topics because they don’t want to write something too simple and look stupid, or making a mistake with their information. The truth is, you probably will make a mistake at some point. But, just like in public speaking, how you handle it is important. Respectfully respond with either your supporting evidence, or humbly admit you made a mistake and correct it. How you handle your mistakes will leave more of an impression than the fact that you made a mistake.
How will I fill a weekly blog?
Filling a weekly blog isn’t difficult if you look around. Keep a little notebook or list on your mobile device when a thought strikes you. There may be a news story, something on the web, or something that happens at work that hits you as a good idea for a blog post. Jot it down and go back to it later. You may find that you have more ideas than you thought to blog about. If you are still struggling to fill your blog but still want the benefits of having one, you can contact us. We specialize in keeping your blog full, no matter what the topic.
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