Getting the Most from Your Verblio Subscription: How to Leave Constructive Customer Feedback

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As a business, you take great pains to select keywords that will move your blog strategy forward. Understandably, you have high hopes for the blog submissions you receive from the Verblio writers. Most of the time, your hopes are realized. But occasionally, our writers might need some help finding the voice you want for your blog. What can you do when that happens? How can you leave constructive customer feedback that will ensure the results you need?


First, it is important to understand that our writers want to give you what you need. They take pride in their work, and they are committed to turning out thoughtful, well-crafted blogs. When they miss the mark, they are eager to address any issues you have because, quite frankly, if you are not satisfied, they do not make money.

In this spirit of mutual cooperation for mutual benefit, our writers appreciate feedback that clearly defines what you like and do not like about their submissions.

Perhaps you are looking for a different slant on an article. Writers can accommodate that request with a little direction from you. For instance, rather than simply saying, “Not what I’m looking for,” a more constructive criticism would be, “In point two of your article, please change the wording to reflect our company’s unique…”

This type of communication facilitates a more positive interaction that results in better work from our writers and a better blog for you. Here are a few examples of feedback received that we like to call “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.”

The Ugly

Let’s get this one out of the way first, as our customers are generally wonderful and a joy to work with. We very rarely receive “ugly” feedback, but everyone has a bad day now and then. Here are a couple examples:

“Everyone knows everything about this topic already.”

“Learn to write.”

This type of feedback is not only vague and unconstructive, but also just downright rude. You may want a little more substance to your blog or maybe just don’t like that writer’s particular style, but “ugly” feedback does nothing but hurt feelings and discourage writers. And let’s not forget, every post you receive has been written by a real person with real feelings. You don’t have to love everything our writers send you, but being ugly is a sure way to drive writers away from your page and prevent you from getting the great posts you’re looking for.

The Bad

Now on to the next type of feedback, the “bad.”

“I like the article, but it needs more.”

This type of feedback doesn’t have the same sting as the “ugly,” but it accomplishes just as little. In your head, you know exactly what you are looking for in your blog, but remember that, although our writers are incredibly talented, they are not mind readers. When you leave comments that don’t suggest any specific changes, you’re likely to leave the writer scratching his or her head. More what? More words? More depth? More links to outside sources? More uses of the keyword?  A little direction will go a long way in helping your writer give you exactly what you want.

The Good

Here is an example of “good” feedback: the kind that garners the best response from a writer.

“We’re not crazy about the headline here. Also, the introduction could be improved by focusing more on the topic. We like the body of the article, but would like a stronger call to action at the end.”

Armed with this knowledge, the writer is able to tweak the parts of the blog that didn’t work and produce an overall stronger and more engaging post. As you work with our Verblio writers, you will likely find that you develop a preference for some over others. We like to see relationships bloom between our customers and our writers. Once a writer “gets” you, the entire process becomes easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved. The best way to create those types of relationships is by leaving constructive customer feedback that communicates precisely what you need for your blog.

Our band of merry writers is happy to  collaborate with you, and we hope that you can say the same. They thrive on useful feedback and use it to grow in their craft. To help create that win-win scenario of beautifully-written blogs for you and a better understanding of your needs for them, check out this checklist before leaving your next customer feedback.

Customer Feedback Checklist

  • Does this comment specifically state what you like and do not like about this post?
  • Is this comment easy-to-understand, even to a person who is not in your industry?
  • Is this comment worded in a way that encourages the writer to make the needed changes?

April Bohnert

I help our customers get the most from their Verblio subscriptions by managing and editing their blog content and working with our fantastic writers to get them exactly what they need. Coming from a freelance writing background, I love being able to work with fellow writers and bridge the gap between them and our customers. Apart from my passion for the written word, I love eating soup, traveling the world, and crushing life in colorful Colorado.

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