By Ruhi Jiwani
The term “blog” was coined in 1999 by Peter Merholz, who jokingly converted the term “weblog” into “we blog.” Since then, the term “blog” has stuck and has come to be used as a noun as well as a verb. There are a variety of blogs on the internet, from individual blogs to company blogs.
The Blog Turns “Fifteen”
Given that it’s 2014, this means that the blog is turning 15 this year, which brings to mind a Taylor Swift song about what it feels like to be that age. “You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors,” she sings, “It’s the morning of your very first day / You say hi to your friends you ain’t seen in a while / Try and stay out of everybody’s way.”
The first day of high school can be terrifying. And given how popular the blog has become, we all tend to forget that it’s actually a pretty new medium. It’s still competing with the popular kids at school—magazine articles, newspapers and fictional material. Why would anyone stop to read the humble blog when there are so many other things they can read?
How “Everything Has Changed”
As Swift writes, “All I know since yesterday / is everything has changed.” Our world has become completely different since the advent of the internet. We turn to the internet for everything, from information to shopping. So it makes sense that we should read blogs for both, entertainment and advice. Everything has really changed. So it makes sense that our reading material and our manner of reading should also change along with it.
Blogging And Telling Stories
Yet, it’s not just the fact that things have changed that makes us turn to the blog. It’s actually something about the blog itself. As Swift sings, “she’ll never know your story like I do.” There’s something personal and immediate about the blog. Once you write a blog post and put it on the internet, it’s out there for anyone to see. No one has to pay for it. They just have to have an internet connection. So it’s something that serves to bring people closer together. It helps us to share stories and communicate better with each other.
Are Readers And Print Publications “Never, Ever, Ever, Getting Back Together?”
Of course, there might still be people who can’t wrap their heads around reading on the internet. They prefer to read in print, and to have that physical feeling of holding a book in their hands. This isn’t something you can get with the blog. But for those of us who have grown attached to blogging, we can definitely use Taylor Swift’s words and tell print publications, that “we are never, ever, ever getting back together!”
Tell Your Customers, “I Just Want To Know You Better”
Jokes aside, it seems certain that blogging for small business is here to stay. So why not hire a blog writing service and give your customers some important information? In Swift’s words, this is like saying, “I just want to know you better know / you better know / you better now.” And who could resist that kind of appeal?
Contact us for well-written blog posts with up-to-date material about your industry.
Editor’s Note: This blog is an example of the kind of writing you can get for your blog. The only thing that’s different is that it has the name of the writer. For your blog, you can say you wrote it. That’s fine with us. We’re happy mutts. Click here for more explanation of this series of posts.
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